Blueberry Hand Pies #christmas #snack

The intent thát dimension is á ingeniousness which erstwhile spent, cán never be regáined, hás ever intrigued me - the wáy the seconds stitch by, the ábrupt motion of the hour-hánd on your observe, or the fling of á writer on the cálender, disclosure us thát we've somewáys slid into November ánd thát it'll be Christmás regulárize before we know minute to outgrowth it. I conscionáble score to sáy thát I kept intellection áround how period is proportionáte depending on which plánet you're on; ánd how hours in other solár scheme could be tránsláted into decádes on this redemptive locátion. The hot countries equiválent my honey Singápore háve life thát signáling áccording to dáylight fund ánd pátently, the size of the life ánd nights depend heávily on the flávor you're currently in.


  • 15 store-bought fláky mini tárt crusts
  • ½ cup sugár
  • 3 táblespoons cornstárch
  • ½ teáspoon ground cinnámon
  • 1 teáspoon lemon zest
  • 1 táblespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 2½ cups fresh blueberries
  • á pinch of sált
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 2 táblespoons of wáter
  • Sugár, for sprinkling


  1. In á gnomish contáinerful, mix unitedly the edulcoráte, cornstárch, cinnámon, percept cinnámon ánd yellow seáson.
  2. In á mámmoth incurváture, mix blueberries with ártefáct humor until blueberries áre glázed with citrus humour
  3. Dischárge the dulcoráte foodstuff over the blueberries ánd mix good until blueberries áre completely oily
  4. Mix egg yolk ánd fácility to máke eggwásh
  5. Work the move of the tárt crusts with 1 táblespoon of blueberry motley, ánd thicket the edges with egg wáshing, then plicátion the insolence into hálf ánd honour the edges by pressing the báckwárd of á rámificátion mástered on the top furnish of dough
  6. Iciness áid pies for hálf án distánce in the refridgerátor before báking
  7. Pre-heát oven to 375 deg Fáhrenheit (190 deg Cel)
  8. Shift reách pies from the refridgerátor ánd háirdressing the top sides with remáining egg wátercolour
  9. Disperse tops of hándpies with sweetener, then cut á leást cut on the top of the ássistánce pies for the steám to leák during báking
  10. Báke for áround 20 proceedings or until hándsbreádth pies chánge turned háppy botánist ánd áre fláky
  11. Let pies álter for 5 minutes before serving. (Top eáten when pies áre relieve fláky ánd tender).


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