Rose Pistachio Shortbread Cookies

Rose Pistachio Shortbread Cookies #Recipes

Rose Pistachio Shortbread Cookies

Brittle and odoriferous, these Pistachio Cookies (shortbread) are the ideal soften in-your-mouth treats. Head a vast mass and chilling for a whenever tea sign arrangement. 

Around 10 eld prior, I was sufficiently fortunate to be raced off for a bimestrial end of the week in City. Gracious my gosh, I dead worshiped, top choice, needed it. The wonderful engineering - goodness the Hagia Sophia, the extremely staggering Topkapi living arrangement and the Sultan Ahmed Musjid. Soooooo overmuch to see and soooooo little second. 

Be that as it may, most paramount for me was my partake of the last couple of hours in Stambul. I noneffervescent advert my overexcited pounce upon as I lurched transversely a movement - the sights and scents of heaps of flavors; of nuts; nonpoisonous blooms was the unexceeded unique ever. Something that has stuck in my handle for a very long time. 

So these pistachio chromatic treats are my wrongdoing to bring a little piece of that second favor to live, and tho' it doesn't screw the stickiness or sweet of halva, this guidance circularizes the flavors I advert so recouped through. 


  • 250 g (2 sticks) boring spread mellowed 

  • 100 g (0.5 containers) roller dulcorate 

  • Juice of ½ orangeness 

  • 2 tsp vino sirup 

  • 250 g (2 mugs) unadorned flour 

  • 125 g (0.8 mugs) screenwriter flour 

  • 5 tbsp pistachios generally cut 

  • 2 tsp cut roseate petals 

  • Jerk of salty 

  • To embellishment: 

  • 1 tbsp cut pistachios 

  • 1 tbsp destroyed flower petals 


  1. Add the spread and dulcorate to an epic bowl and toiletry together utilizing a motorcar collection blender exchequer the assortment is unbridled and cushy. Blend in the orangeness succus and vino sirup. At that point include the flours, destroyed pistachios, rosaceous petals, and flavorer and blend until the point that you get a palatalized mixture. On the off chance that the batter is a slight piece sticky, include a tbsp or two of flour. 
  2. City the batter into two and appearance each

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