Use This Simple And Effective Trick To Get Rid Of Blackheads
How annoying and gross the blackheads really are? People are tired of cleaning them every time they show off.
They use many products and pore cleaning strips that are supposed to pull them out and clean the skin.
What these expensive products actually do is drying the delicate skin on your nose and can irritate it as well. These strips are very painful once you need to remove them.
If blackheads appear frequently on your nose, you should use this DIY effective cleaner paste as a quick and painless remedy.
Here’s What You Need:
- Mint Toothpaste
- Sea Salt
- A Small Bowl
- A Spoon To Mix
- Ice Cubes
Method Of Preparation:
- Put 2 tablespoons of toothpaste in the bowl by squeezing the toothpaste bottle.
- Add 1 tablespoon of sea salt in the bowl with the toothpaste and mix it well until you get a paste.
How To Apply:
- Wash your face with water and apply the paste on the affected area which in most of the times is your nose or chin.
- Wait for 5 or 10 minutes until it becomes hard. You will feel a little tingling, but this is normal because the paste takes away the oxygen of the skin and makes it tight. This feeling will pass away after a few minutes.
- When the 10 minutes have passed, wet your fingers and start a gentle massage in circular motion. You need to be very careful since the skin is sensitive and if you rub it there will be redness.
- Finally, rinse your face with warm water and in order to close the pores use the ice cubes while rubbing them on the face. Now when the pores are closed no dirt will go into the skin.
Some Quick Tips:
- Be careful when you apply the paste since if it comes too close to the eye area it can cause irritation of the eyes and their wetting, because of the vapours of the mint.
- You will notice that your nose is red. But do not worry since it can disappear for a while.
- If the skin is too dry apply hydrating moisturizer.
- Wash off everything from your face and make sure there is no paste on the skin.
- Remember to use the ice cubes for closing the pores since any dirt can enter.
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