The Only 4 Natural Remedies You Need To Grow Back Receding Gums
There are a lot of reasons why gums recede and it can become quite a health problem if this happens. If you are experiencing receding gums then you have found a great article to read. Go to the Next Page find 4 of the best home natural remedies to help grow back your receding gums. Your gums are not something you should ignore, especially if you are noticing some problems like receding.
Here are some of the remedies on how to grow back receding gums. Check out the article we found over at Healthy Definition.
he situation of receding gums happens when the tissue of the gum around the teeth corrodes and it looks like your gums recede backwards. Then a large surface of the teeth is exposed and more visible. When the gums go back, the space between the gum line and the teeth rises. That is perfect place for bacteria growth. Another problem that may happen is over exposure of the root of the tooth that can lead to extreme pain and sensitivity of the tooth. It will also have a negative influence over the structure and bone of the tooth that can cause losing of the tooth. receding-gums
This is a very common problem and most of the people who suffer from it do not notice the problem. The reason is because the process is slow and happens gradually. Remember to check your gums if you teeth have become very sensitive. That is one of the first signs. Another indicator is the size of you tooth: if it is larger than before then you need to treat the problem because it is a sign of receding gums.
Other symptoms may be:
– Tooth pain/ache
– Larger tooth than before
– Tooth sensitivity
– Larger tooth than before
– Tooth sensitivity
What causes receding gums?!
It might be a gum disease, but it can be caused by other reasons such as:
1. Periodontal diseases. That means bacterial infection in the gums. They cause damage to the supporting bone of the tooth and the gums, followed by other problems.
2. Lack of oral hygiene. If you skip teeth brushing and flossing you might build up plague on the teeth. That can lead to calculus which is a hard substance which can lead to gum recession.
3. Aggressive brushing. It is the complete opposite of brushing teeth on regular basis. If you brush your teeth aggressively then the enamel on your teeth will be destroyed and this will lead to receding gums.
4. Sometimes you will blame the genes. In this case you cannot change a lot about your problem.
Homemade recipes for growing back receding gums
We present you homemade recipes that require only simple ingredients such as herbs and spices.
Green tea
Green tea has an abundance of health benefits. It is full of antioxidants that fight the free radicals that can cause periodontal disease which can lead to receding gums. One of the antioxidants in green tea is catechins and it helps in destroying any periodontal disease. This antioxidant can strengthen the connection between the gums and teeth. Its anti-inflammatory properties will lower the swelling of the gums that cause oral diseases.
How to use it:
Every morning drink 1 cup of green tea.