Think of your body as teapot on the stove and the water inside as your belly fat. Chances are the pot is sitting there over a low flame, not doing much of anything. The water inside may be warm, but it’s not boiling. If you want the pot to whistle—and attract a few whistles yourself—you need to crank up the heat.
Well, that’s exactly what will happen if you take that teapot from metaphor to reality. Tea—at least, certain types of tea—can rev up your body’s ability to melt fat as quickly and easily as turning a stove from low to high. New research, included in my book Zero Belly Diet, reveals that tea can reset your internal thermometer to increase fat burn by up to 10 percent without exercising, or dieting, or sitting in a sauna dreaming about a Nestea plunge.
Why not give your body every advantage it can get in the battle against fat? Here are the 20 brews to start sipping for a slimmer, sleeker, more efficient fat-burning you.
Breaks down stored fat
- Think of white tea as Spanx in a cup. It actually works with your body in four different ways to promote fat-burning:
- It blocks the formation of new fat cells while simultaneously boosting lipolysis, the body’s process of breaking down stored fat, according to a study published in the journal Nutrition and Metabolism.
- Another group of researchers found that the tea is also a rich source of catechins, a type of antioxidant that triggers the release of fat from the cells and—bonus!—helps speed the liver’s ability to turn fat into energy.
- Brew this and burn fat.
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