15 Best Herbal Teas and Their Health Benefits

Herbal tea is made by steeping the flowers, leaves, seeds, roots, stems, and petals of a multitude of plants and flowers. The herbal teas come in hundreds of different varieties, some common and others that are more obscure, and depending on your area of the world, different types will be more widely available. The health benefits of each type of herbal tea depend on the composition, which may be a single ingredient or a combination of different herbs and flowers. Another name for herbal tea is “tisane”, although this is less commonly used.

List of Herbal Teas:

There are more than a hundred commonly found and used varieties of herbal tea, but some of the most popular, along with some of their most notable benefits, are listed below.
  • Chamomile tea: Its antioxidants may help prevent complications from diabetes, like loss of vision and nerve and kidney damage, and stunt the growth of cancer cells.
  • Echinacea: Often touted as a way to fight the common cold, the research on echinacea has been inconclusive.
  • Rooibos Tea – Can relieve headaches and prevent skin disorders, high blood pressure, premature aging, and overactive allergic response in the body.
  • Anise Tea – Excellent for stomach disorders, excess gas, nausea, congestion, coughs and colds, and painful menstrual cramps.
  • Cannabis Tea – Used for reducing chronic pain, inflammation, anxiety, stress, depression, headaches, indigestion, and cramping.
  • Patchouli Tea – Stimulates sex drive, boosts the immune system, rejuvenates mood, detoxifies the body, and helps against sleep disorders.
  • Valerian Root Tea – Possesses sedative qualities, lowers stress levels and blood pressure, and has anti-spasmodic qualities.
  • Peppermint Tea – Particularly good for easing cramps, stomach upset, indigestion, and excess gas, while also stimulating the immune system.
  • Thyme Tea – Known for breaking fevers, treating coughs and colds, boosting immune responses, soothing the stomach, and knocking out headaches.
  • Dandelion Tea – Promotes urination and detoxifies the body, lowers blood pressure, and helps with vision issues and iron deficiency.
  • Kava Root Tea – Eliminates stress and anxiety, induces healthy sleep, calms the mind, and promotes detoxification in the body.
  • Ginger Root Tea – Soothes nausea, stimulates digestion, prevents chronic diseases, and increases the appetite.
  • Osmanthus Tea – Promotes the elimination of toxins, clears up congestion and coughs, and improves bad breath.
  • Rosehip Tea – Very good for the immune system, due to high vitamin C levels, and can also detoxify the body.
  • Turmeric Tea – Stimulates antioxidant activity in the body, prevents cancer, soothes inflammation, and promotes good digestion.

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