Cancer Cells Will HATE You For Drinking Bitter Melon Juice And Here’s Why

Don’t judge a book by its cover.
Same goes for food.
Fitting into the stereotypical if-it’s-good-for-me-it-can’t-taste-good category, bitter melon may look funny (like a warty cucumber) and may have a sharp taste, but it kills cancer cells.
Cancer Cells Will HATE You For Drinking Bitter Melon Juice And Here’s Why

It Really is Bitter–Sugar-Loving Cancer Doesn’t Like it.

Commonly used in Chinese cooking and medicine, the juice of bitter melons (also known as bitter gourd or karela) contains an enzyme that inhibits the transportation of glucose (sugar), cutting off cancer cells’ food supply.
When bitter melon juice was introduced to pancreatic cancer cells, progression was halted and reversed. Mice were sixty percent less likely to develop the cancer after consuming it.
“BMJ [bitter melon juice] also inhibits proliferation, induces apoptosis and activates AMPK [a biomarker for cellular energy status] in vivo. Overall, BMJ exerts strong anticancer efficacy against human pancreatic carcinoma cells.”[1] Continue Reading Page 2>> 

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