You don’t have to run endlessly or spend ages in the gym doing crunches to have that toned abs or that perfect flat tummy. In fact, running is not the ideal way to get flat tummy and shed off all that fat around your waist. There are several other simple exercises that you can do, which burn fat and tone the abs much more effectively.
Flat Belly Exercise #1 – Leg Circles
Lie on the floor, keeping that lower back flat into the ground (no arched C curve to protect that lower back), head flat, fingers pointed forward and slowly raise your legs up and open them into wide circles. Mix it up – take the circles out and then reverse other direction. Note: the higher you go, the easier it’s going to be and the lower you go, the more challenging this move is.
Flat Belly Exercise #2 – V HOLD
You will want to lie flat on your back or rest up on your forearms and lift your legs. In this video, I don’t demonstrate a true “V” HOLD, but you can lift your shoulders off the ground and raise your arms over your head creating a “V” position and HOLD.
Flat Belly Exercise #3 – Leg Hold Ups
Again, lying flat on the ground or resting up on your forearms (you do want to build strength in that core, but it’s important to have proper form) and slowly lift your legs up and bring them back down.
Flat Belly Exercise #4 – Flutter Kicks
Last exercise! You got this! Lie on the floor and lift up on your forearms. Slowly criss cross your legs up and down, but hovering low over the ground as much as possible. Pretend like an elephant is resting their arm on your lower belly. If you do that, there is no way that back will arch!
There is no magic number of repetitions or timing on these exercises, but I want you to do what is intense for you! Maybe you do one exercise as long as you can until you can’t stand the burn anymore and move onto the next exercise and so on? And when you’re done? Repeat all four!
Working to flatten your lower belly

“Be Happy…Be Healthy…Be Fit!”